Web site rebuild

It’s been a while since I last posted anything. My web site was hacked recently (Grrr) and there was only a holding page for a few weeks.

Given that the site needed to be rebuilt I took the opportunity to ask Pru, my web designer at Tall Poppies Web Design to update the site and to make it mobile friendly.

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Cost-effective administrative support for small businesses

Did you read Lisa Martin’s story in the DominionPost recently?  Her business GoFi8ure provides everyday bookkeeping and accounting support to small businesses before they get to the point of needing a full time office manager.  GoFi8ure provides bookkeeping and other administrative services to free up small business owners to do what they do best – run the business.

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Let us help your organization to be more efficient…

…with simple and effective systems and processes to organize your business information


Helping you to:

Provide consistent advice to Management, Boards and/or Government


Save time, reduce stress, lower risks, increase profits


Ask Judy how at Terrace Consulting and Filing Services