Mentoring and Coaching

Mentoring and coaching has been built into Terrace Consulting’s business processes over many years.

Judy has some wonderful mentoring success stories.

She has helped knowledge workers lift and broaden their skill sets, to identify the direction they wish to follow, to develop goals and plans to achieve those goals.

Judy advised a cafe owner on how to take her business to a higher level with two simple actions.  The first was to advertise that the business was under new management. The previous owner was not very popular and the new owner suffered as a result. The second action was to empower one of her staff, who had a catering qualification, to make a different cake very day as part of a coffee and cake special.

As a mentor with Business Mentors NZ, Judy has worked with small businesses to develop strategies and plans to grow their client base and to improve their systems and processes so they are more efficient at what they do.  This is how they increase their productivity and achieve higher profits

Judy is a great believer  in networking for small business owners.  She has been part of several networks and has also established several for different groups at different times.

One was a small group of 5-6 women who had been members of a bigger commercial networking group.  The small group met regularly and each time the focus of the meeting was a challenge or issues a member had.  Following discussion in the group the person with the issue was able to go back to her business and resolve the issue or meet the challenge.

At Terrace Consulting we work with people in various types of business to  work more effectively and efficiently so that they can improve their profitability.

For more information about our mentoring and coaching services contact us.

Book a FREE consultation today!

Contact Judy to arrange a friendly chat about your requirements.  Simply fill out your details below and she will call you back.

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